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Vibramox Forte, Kaplet & Dry Syrup

Vibramox Forte, Kaplet & Dry Syrup


Each caplet contains 500 mg Amoxicillin (as Amoxicillin Trihydrate)
Each teaspoon (=5 mL) syrup contains 125 mg Amoxicillin (as Trihydrate).
Each teaspoon (=5 mL) syrup forte contains 250 mg Amoxicillin (as Trihydrate)

Vibramox is a broad-spectrum penicillin with bactericidal activity againts susceptible organisms during the stage of active
multiplication through the inhibition of biosynthesis of cell mucopeptides.
Microbiology :
Vibramox is active against a wide range of gram – negative and positive bacteria including: Streptococcus aureus, Escherichia
coli, Streptococcus pneumonuae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus faecalis, Haemophillus influenzae, Shigella sp, Proteus
mirabilis, Salmonella typhosa, Bacillus anthracts, L monocytogenes, S pyogenes.
Amoxicillin does not resist destruction by penicillinase it is not effective against penicillinase producing bacteria . all strains of
Pseudomonas and most strains of Klebsiella and Enterobacter are resistant.
Pharmacokinetics : Vibramox is a semi synthetic penicillin derivative. It is well absorbed and produces high serum levels
independent of the presence of food . Amoxycillin is stable in the presence of gastric acid.
Vibramox diffuses readily into most body tissues and fluids. The higher blood level is obstained within 1-2 hrs and half-life of
amoxycillin is 1 hrs. Vibramox is mostly excreted unchanged in the urine.

Treatment of infections caused by gram – positive or gram – negative microorganisms.
Ear, nose and throat infections caused by Streptococcus , Pneumococcus, nonpenicillinase-producing Staphylococcus and H.
influenzae (otitis media, sinusitis,tonsillitis and mastoiditis).
Genitourinary tract infectios caused by E.coli. Proteus mirabilis and S. Faecalis.
Upper and lower respiratory tract infections caused by Sreptococci , Pneumococci,non penicillinase staphylococci, and H.
Influenzae ( pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis,gonorrhea non-penicillinase-producing strains, nongonococcal urethritis).
Skin and soft tissue infections ( cellulitis, wound, carbuncle and furunculosis).
Typoid fever.
Other infections caused by microorganisms susceptible to amoxycillin.

Vibramox is effective in a wide range of dosage regimens. The recommendations given as follow are those commonly applied.
Adults and Children > 20 kg body weight : 750 – 1500 mg /day in divided doses every 8 hrs.
Children < 20 kg body weight: 20-40 mg/kg body weight /day in divided doses every 8 hrs.
Typhoid and para-typhoid:
Adult and Children >20kg body weight : 4000 mg daily in divided doses every 8 hrs for 14-21 days.
Children < 20 kg body weight: 100 mg /kg body weight /day in divided doses every 8 hrs for 14 – 21 days.

Patients known to be allergic to penicillin.

An assessment of renal and hepatic function should be made during prolonged treatment. Prolonged use or high dose may
cause superinfection due to Candida, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter and S. aureus.
Use in pregnancy : Safe use in pregnancy has not been established.

Hypersensitive patients may develop allergic reactions, eg nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hay fever, pruritus and skin rash.

Excretion of Vibramox can be delayed by concurrent administration with probenecid.

Vibramox should be stored in a cool, dry place. Once dispensed, the syrup should be used within 7 days.

Vibramox-500 mg. Box of 25×4’s. Reg. No. DKL8721002504A1.
Vibramox syrup.     Bottle of 60 mL. Reg. No. DKL8521000738A1.
Vibramox syrup forte. Bottle of 60 mL. Reg. No. DKL9521000738B1

On medical prescription only.